Messy, the yellow lab, and Audi, the husky, are inseparable pals from Thailand. Oranit Kittragul, who owns Messy, mentioned that Audi often feels alone when his family is at work.
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To console the lonely husky across the street, Oranit would have Messy visit. “Every time Audi gets upset and cries, I send Messy to cheer him up,” Oranit shared with The Dodo. “Messy would just peer over our fence, sometimes barking at Audi. It’s fascinating how it calms Audi down, though I’m unsure about their secret conversation.”
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While the duo’s bonding has largely been from a distance, a recent oversight by Audi’s owners gave the pair a memorable in-person reunion.
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With the gate accidentally left unlatched, Audi knew precisely whose door to knock on: his dear friend Messy’s.
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Audi sprinted to Messy, and the two shared a warm embrace, recalled Oranit. She was quick to capture the precious moment, and it’s no shock that their touching photos have caught the internet’s heart.
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Truly, Messy and Audi’s bond is the epitome of friendship goals.