We often hear people talking about time saying “It’s not the right moment”, usually we say these things when we fail at something in life.
There is also another phrase that we use very often like that: “Good things come to those who wait”.
For humans, these phrases can be a little annoying, but for our four-legged friends, time is everything because for them time is very limited.
An example of this is a good girl, Ginger, who has been waiting for a whole decade in the shelter, never losing hope that one day a good person would come to the shelter and say: “Let’s go home , girl”. Fortunately, this finally happened.
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It was only two years old when it ended up in the shelter after its previous owners had abandoned it
Source Image: Dogwood Animal Shelter
Ginger’s story is the same as that of most other dogs.
This beautiful girl was abandoned by her previous owners and ended up at the Dogwood Animal Shelter in Missouri.
The abandonment by her owners left a wound in her soul, which was only two years old at the time.
However, this abandonment caused her anxiety, shame and lack of self-confidence. Despite her shiny chocolate coat and bright brown eyes, her nervous personality made her “unadaptable” as people tend to look at more sociable, extroverted animals.
But, besides that, what was important was that she was now in a safe environment where she could welcome her forever family. Shelter workers didn’t have much hope of finding her a home right away, but since she was a young dog, her chances were better than those of older dogs. Little did they know that she would be waiting for a very long time.
For a dog this situation can be heartbreaking as they constantly see shelter friends wagging their tails and kissing their new family members, hearing their new owners make the sacred promise “We will be friends forever”. It is in the dog’s nature to be with people, in their warm beds or out on adventures. However, Ginger was behind bars, wanting her to go home. But she never lost hope. Not even for seven long years.
Source Image: Dogwood Animal Shelter
Avoidance by adopters came as a result of her shy and restless personality
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Her adorable face along with Leshi’s brown fur began to shrivel. Time passed and with each passing day she became a less desirable dog to adopt. Once a young dog, Ginger had turned into an old man. She would sleep more, play less, and only her brown eyes revealed that despite the sadness behind them, she was still hopeful. Fortunately, the animal lovers around her were also hopeful.
But in 2020 comes good news from pet shelter advocate Scott Poore. The kind-hearted man was determined to make sure she didn’t leave this world without knowing what it’s like to be a much-loved pet.
“It absolutely broke my heart, so I stopped what I was doing and dedicated all of my time to her,” Scott said in an interview. “I started telling her story to anyone that would listen.”
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Never giving up hope, Ginger knew that one day she would find her home
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Seven years have now passed and Ginger could finally tell her story. It was Scott who became her voice, posting on all social networks about her. He knew he just had to have someone for him. And he was right! Many people started contacting, asking about Ginger. Among these people, Beth was the one who opened her heart to this elderly dog, ready to give this dog the happiness and comfort he had been missing for a long time.
As soon as he went home, Ginger began to notice a change. She felt how loved she was and her sweet personality began to emerge. Each day, this duo would reach a new milestone in their relationship, surprising each other, wondering “How does it get any better?” Thanks to her love, Beth was able to see a formerly fearful dog’s true colors—a gift reserved only for that special person.
“100 percent, there was a transformation,” Beth happily shared in an interview. “She was very skittish and protective at first. Now she will walk into a new environment with her head held high. Seeing her jump on a bed or walk on floors and be able to be a dog was amazing to see. She’s not this fragile shelter dog anymore. She knows her name and she stands bold with it.”
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Unfortunately, she had to wait nearly a decade until a shelter animal activist came to her rescue
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Ginger may be 13 years old now, but her life only began 3 years ago. It seems like she knows the meaning of life completely. Beth lets him sleep in her bed – a dog’s life is too short not to let them. And like any other dog, Ginger has let go of the past – it’s as if the lonely years never happened. With Beth, she’s a little puppy again.
“She’s an old girl, but very much like a puppy these days,” Beth said.
Beth had no idea that by opening her home and heart to a lonely shelter dog, her life would change so drastically. Before adopting Ginger, she was struggling with anxiety, unsure of the future. Ginger brought much-needed security and stability, providing comfort in a time of need. She watched her owner grow into a confident adult with a successful career, beautiful home and a loving husband. Hey, two owners are better than one!
“Ginger and I grew up together. I feel like when I got it, we were both kids coming into adulthood together,” Beth mused. “I think the most important thing Ginger has taught me is that it’s good to start over.” That no matter what life throws at you, there is a better tomorrow – you can’t grow up in the same place that destroyed you. We are thriving together now.”
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Soon, she found Beth. Beth opened her heart and home to a now silver-faced puppy
Source Image: eepingup_withginger
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
“She is an old girl, but very puppy-like nowadays,” said Beth, revealing that Ginger’s life had finally begun
Source Image: keepingup_withginger
Both Ginger and Beth hope that their story will inspire others to take a chance on senior dogs. They too deserve a second chance
“I want to challenge more people to adopt the ‘unadoptable’ or long-term animal and give them a second chance to love and live,” said Beth.
Ginger, as she deserved, ended up happily together with Beth. Unfortunately, many neglected dogs are still waiting in shelters, willing to give anything for their person. And while adopting a person can seem daunting, Ginger’s story just proves that the adopter gets so much more. For a small lodging fee and some expenses for bowls and beds, you can get the best friend in the world, a chance to improve someone’s life and heal a slightly wounded heart. I say it’s a good bargain.