In mid-February, Sophie, a five-year-old dog, was discovered in a landfill in Tijuana, Mexico. She was sitting on a tattered blanket amidst heaps of trash, her body covered in scars and her ears bleeding.
Sophie had been exploited by a breeder and forced to have litter after litter of puppies. A vet examination revealed she had also been used as a bait dog, as shown by the numerous scars and wounds on her body.
Nikki Audet, who rescued Sophie, explained that the vet recognized her injuries as typical of dogfighting victims. In addition to her scars, all of Sophie’s teeth were ground down to prevent her from defending herself. “Some of them were ground down to the roots,” Nikki noted.
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Therapeutic baths, antibiotics, and a lot of care and love helped heal the wounds on Sophie’s ears and neck. She improved every day. Despite everything she had endured, Sophie remained very affectionate towards people. She eagerly snuggled up to anyone she met.
However, her traumatic past left her terrified of other dogs. Upon seeing another dog, she clung to a person’s legs or hid in a corner.
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To help Sophie overcome her fear, volunteers enlisted the help of a dog psychologist. She now attends training school, where she’s learning to become comfortable around other dogs.
If her caregivers feel the exposure is too stressful, they will discontinue the classes, prioritizing her comfort and well-being.
Image Source: YouTube
Until Sophie is fully recovered, she will remain under the care of dedicated volunteers. She seems to understand how much she owes them and expresses her gratitude daily.
With a bright future ahead, her rescuers are confident she will find a loving home soon.