In a truly puzzling situation, a family made the heartbreaking decision to leave their apartment a decade ago, leaving behind an important member of their household—their dog, Bokshil. With an unyielding spirit, Bokshil stayed at the now-empty apartment, hoping her family would return for her.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, yet Bokshil remained dedicated in her watch. Even after 10 long years, her eyes were filled with hope that her beloved family would come back to her, but sadly, they never did.
Image Source: SBS TV via YouTube Video
Some kind neighbors took care of Bokshil over the past decade by feeding her and providing a doghouse. She spends her days following passersby, hoping they are her family, but she never strays too far from her spot.
Image Source: SBS TV via YouTube Video
Over the years, Bokshil’s vision has been deteriorating, and her health is slowly declining. The vet believes that moving her from her familiar surroundings would do more harm than good. So, she continues to sit there, doing what brings her comfort.